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New mechanical seal LSC41

October 27, 2022
Mechanical Seal

We have been waiting for it from a long time ago… and finally here it is, the LSC41!

We are glad to announce our new mechanical seal, the LSC41. In this blog we want to explain you the specifications and advantages.

Are you ready?

What is the mechanical seal LSC41?

Mechanical Seal LSC41

The mechanical seal LSC41 is an evolution of the LSC40 cartridge, a seal that have proved a great reliability and versatility in many applications. It has been tested successfully by many clients from different countries and sectors! By comparison, the new mechanical seal grant greater performance and technical possibilities. 

The LSC41 is based on the LSC40 design, which has been our main proposal of simple cartridge during the years.

Due to the LSC41, we achieved a big step on the improvement line that we have been looking for, betting on innovation and sustainability in all of our products.

LSC41 Specifications

LSC41 features

In order to know the specifications of the new LSC41, it’s necessary to explain the multiple advantages that it have:

  • Improved sleeve design: the first and distinctive point from the other mechanical seals, is the new sleeve. We can appreciate a rounded shape and polished surface. The modification is very relevant because it gives greater hygienic capacities to the seal, because it makes difficult to the fluid residues to get stuck on the seal.
  • More protected: the improvement also makes easier that some wastes that usually get accumulated on the seal chamber, do less damage in the functioning of the LSC41. This is possible due to the capability on slip through them more easily.
  • Improved technology: the mechanical seal counts with our newest technology. This allows the management and reading of the data from the sensors incorporated in the seals, a benefit for the preventive maintenance.

Environmentally friendly 

The LSC41 seal counts with the incorporation of an extra connection, which makes easier the installation of sensors in the sleeve. Therefore, offers the possibility to obtain information of the working conditions directly from the mechanical seal chamber.

Helps the management of a predictive maintenance

This innovation allows a more exhaustive control of the functioning conditions of the seal, therefore, helps the management of a predictive maintenance. This means a better sustainability of the systems, something very relevant nowadays, that makes the seal very friendly with the environment.

Also, the LSC41 introduces a new exterior image that includes modifications on the sleeve that make the seal lighter. Once again, this makes the seal be in concordance with the sustainable commitment that we have in Lidering.

LID e CONTROL Technology

LID eCONTROL borns from the need of increase the performance and the control of the sealing systems in the industrial area. It’s based on the incorporation of sensors in the new versions of the cartridge seals. It can obtain information on real time of the working conditions.

LID eCONTROL allows offering advanced sealing systems. These systems are capable to indicate the real temperature of the process in the seal chamber, with the incorporation of a special sensor.

Thanks to LID eCONTROL we can have a very accurate control system, increasing the performance of the seal and extend his life, and have more security in critical applications.

With these innovations, from Lidering we show or commitment with the development of new products integrating modern technologies and improvements due to the I+D investment, in order to keep working on the distinctive line: offering sealing solutions with high added value for the industry.


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We will be pleased in answering you, do not hesitate in contact us.


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